We are excited to bring you the new single by The Filthy Honey - 'Shoots You Sir' out April 30th on all the usual digital platforms.
27th April 2024
26th April 2024
Lee Christian has snuck a new song Caned & Able on Bandcamp now b/w remix ft. MYNDTRICK
Have a listen here: https://leechristian.bandcamp.com/album/caned-able
26th April 2024
We are pleased to bring you the debut single Magpie by alternative rock band Liv Luce, out now on all platforms with exclusive remixes by The Filthy Honey, Tiger Mendoza, Lee Christian and MissMatch on Bandcamp and a great video by TIKIVISION.
26th April 2024
We are pleased to have been asked back to curate the Quickfix stage at the Charlbury Riverside Festival again this year which takes place 20/21 July 2024. Line up TBC.
21st June 2023
We are pleased to have been asked to curate the Quickfix stage once again at Riverside Festvial Charlbury Oxon on the weekend of July 29th and 30th. We have a cracking line up with lots of special appearances including a reformed Daisies and Smilex. Quickfix artists past, present aplenty - like Blackout Orchestra coming from Toronto specially, Critter Cabal, 2020 Vision, Blue Spectre ft luke verbal kink and Lee Christian & Grace db with a short David Bowie covers set to kick things off!
16th February 2023
After a few years of lush bedroom based dream pop, Daze took the shire by storm last year with two catchy singles, airplay all over indie radio and a busy summer of festivals like Truck, Cornbury & more! On March 3rd, they unleash a new e.p. brimming with a skilled mix of sweet pop hooks, tight grooves from multi instrumentalist Scott & new drummer Tom plus Daisy’s trademark sassy lyrics - all blended perfectly in a rich, layered production job.
12th April 2022
Lee has taken back to the airwaves with his new eclectic radio show The Fix on Totally Wired Radio.
Catch up and listen again here:
https://totallywiredradio.com/lee-christian -
06th December 2021
We are putting on a gig at The Jericho Tavern, Oxford on Friday December 10th (this Friday). It's an awesome bill featuring some of the best Oxfordshire music around; dream pop from Daze, trip-hop from The Subtheory and rock, barn and lindy hop from Critter Cabal. The whole night will be capped off by none other than MC Tunes (Dust Junkys, 808 State). It would be great to see some familiar faces and be at a cool Oxford gig again.
22nd September 2021
12th August 2021
We are excited to add Cunagauro to our burgeoning roster. since hearing them, a few things appear to be true:
1. Cunagauro's music and sense of melody translates perfectly without even needing to speak their language.
2. Something about their sound & energy is reminiscent of the feel of 90's alternative rock boom without being generic.